Sunday, June 27, 2010


I've got limited time, so I'm going to try and get straight to the point. There have been two things that have rocked my world between yesterday and today.

On Saturday, I was having a tough time adjusting to the group I'm living with for the week. First off, I now live with 30 people in one house. Second, there is not much space for alone time. I became terribly aware of how much I missed my 'Tribe,' the friends I eat dinner, share life, and worship with. But as I spent time with God, He reminded me that this new group is my new 'Tribe' for the week and that although it is not the same as my other 'Tribe,' my needs will still get met. And they have been getting met. I've enjoyed worship and sharing of the Word and serving others.

That being said, I might not update this blog as much as I initially anticipated. I need to invest in this community and the work that we are doing here. I love you all, but I'll share much more when I get back.

Today, God reminded me that He is still calling me to China to tell people about the love of Jesus and to share the gift of music. This came about through one of our translators, Patty. I was sharing with her that I plan to go to China in about a year to teach English and work. She really encouraged me that my preparations with studying music and Chinese is no accident and that God has been preparing me to go. This was an immense encouragement for me to hear.

Our work here is very rewarding. Saturday, the men shared our stories at a juvenile prison. During the afternoon, we presented dramas and skits at a festival out in the town square. Today, we visited local churches and also presented skits and dramas at the festival. This is just the bare bones of what has been happening. I would love to share a story in detail, but it's really past my bedtime. I don't know how much posting I will do, but I would love to connect via text messages. Text me!

I love you all.

By the way, church today was awesome. Two of the girls in our group shared testimonies at this little church of about 100 people. My friend Kyle shared a message. God showed up. I even got to lead worship (solo and then with their band). The service ended with prayer and God poured out his love on us. Our group and their church were encouraged.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet Dude! I still don't understand how you have internet access.

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