Monday, September 7, 2009

All good things seem to come to an end sooner or later. Today is the final day at the Long Beach Peninsula beach house. I've enjoyed myself over the last couple of days just taking life slow and chilling with my family. I has been quite a long time since we've all spent this much time together. And I think it came at just the right time too. Our lives are slowly going in different directions and so our reunions become less and less. I really treaure these times.

Over the weekend, I've been thinking quite a bit about contentment. In my life, I realize I am happiest when I am content with just being me, when I don't have to pretend to be someone else, and I am not envious of someone else. Too much of my life has been wasted with envy, when my attention is fixed on things that other people have, instead of enjoying what I have.

God has blessed me tremendously with gifts, talents, resources, limitations, challenges, relationships, and potential unique to me. And I'm not about to waste that.

What about you? What is it about you that you need to capitalize on? You are unique and have things to offer the world that only you can. That's pretty spiffy.

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