Friday, April 16, 2010

Fresh Music

I'm moving forward with preparations for my upcoming trip to El Salvador. Here's a little update.

Last week, my energy was focused on getting fundraising letters out to friends and family. Our trip leaders encouraged us to send out 30 letters. I got pretty darn close at 28! It was actually quite a humbling process of choosing and writing to the people who I thought might like to join me either through prayer or finances. Note after note, envelope after envelope, I grew in awe. Letters were going out all over the country: California, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Washington, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Nebraska. I am so thankful for the friends and family God has blessed me with and to get to share this giving opportunity.

One of the unique roles I get to play in this mission trip is worship leader. On Tuesday, I got together with Tim West, the El Salvador trip leader, to discuss preparations for worship. While we are in El Salvador, each night we will spend "family time" together, sharing, meditating, and worshiping together. I get to lead our team during these times! So, we're putting together a list of worship songs that we would like to sing together. It's always refreshing to sing new melodies, so I've spent the morning combing worship resources online and came up with some new songs to teach our group. Here's some of them:

Glory To God Forever --Steve Fee on "Hope Rising"
Say Say --Kristan Stanfill on "Passion: Awakening"
Rise and Sing --Steve Fee on "Hope Rising"
All of Creation --Mercy Me on "The Generous Mr. Lovewell"
You Alone Can Rescue --Matt Redman on "We Shall Not Be Shaken"
Awakening --Chris Tomlin on "Passion: Awakening"
Freedom Is Here --Hillsong United on "A Cross The Earth"

Give 'em a listen. We'll be listening too.

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