Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Give Yourself Away

Have you ever given much thought to giving recently?

I've been reading this book by Randy Alcorn called "The Treasure Principle." It's an inspiring little book. Basically, Alcorn lays out several principles about financial stewardship that are in direct response to the grace of Jesus Christ. Jesus was a giver. His whole life was constantly being poured out to others and even to death, he gave.

One principle Randy highlights is that God owns everything. As I was thinking about it, I knew it was true, but I couldn't think of any time in my life where I really learned it in real life. I still worry too much about physical things. I worry about my bank account. I worry about food. I don't live it. God owns everything. I knew it was true, but it never moved into heart knowledge.

So, I came up with an idea. Over the next 90 days, I'd like to give something away every day. It could be $1. It could be $100. It could be a stick of gum. It could be a car. In a tangible way, I want to give something away every day. And it starts tomorrow, April 1.

I've asked God to teach me to understand that he really does own everything, so I've decided to start practicing giving. Maybe this challenge will help me get going.

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